Thursday, December 6, 2018

Daphne Caruana Galizia Again . . .

It has now been more than a year since the brutal murder of the famous journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and by now her murder is supposed to be long and forgotten but unfortunately because of Dr Adrian Delia and his folks it will still remain in the memory of the people as of course the Nationalist Party brings up the topic from time to time. What is all this fuss about? She was murdered a year ago, fuss was made a year ago and now we have again another news story in the times of Malta coming up with the question of whether Daphne Caruana Galizia could have been saved or not. This question was raised dozens of times last year. Why is there a need for this topic to rise again? Below please find the link:

"However, closing the debate, Dr Delia said the government’s arguments were designed to obscure the truth, as his party was not proposing another inquiry into who commissioned the murder. He accused the Attorney General and Police Commissioner - whom the motion calls for the removal of - of being “mere tools” in the Prime Minister’s hands and of abdicating their responsibilities."

Dr Delia is so much in desire to gain power in the government that he is getting to every straw he can find to get to climb the ladder even if it is all in vain. In my opinion if Dr Delia keeps adopting this policy, it is best if he resigns for a Leader of the Nationalist Party.

We are in the month of December, let’s look at something that can embrace us and unites us together and celebrate this wonderful time of Christmas with it, not finding aspects that are by now more than a year old and try to revive them.